13 C
péntek, május 3, 2024
KezdőlapJuniorCzimber Adrienn: Agony

Czimber Adrienn: Agony

It hurts so much. I can’t bear it. My past haunts me like a hungry demon, craving for my soul. This feeling I get… I can’t even explain it, but it makes me feel useless, helpless, and hopeless. I just want to run away, out of the world and never come back. It makes me want to cry every second, every minute, every hour, all day long until my tears dry out. Just makes me want to die, to help the world get rid of me. I’m barely hanging on. It would be much easier to give my soul, my heart, my life away to the person staring at me every night in the dark.

Czimber Adrienn – Pécsi Apáczai Csere János Általános Iskola, Gimnázium, Kollégium, Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola, 11. C



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